The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a Move That will Totally Rock Your Quads

“The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a variation that is often overlooked by many fitness enthusiasts, but it shouldn’t be. While barbell squats are considered the king of strength and muscle-building exercises, incorporating other movements into your routine is crucial for a well-rounded workout. The Sideways Smith Machine Squat targets your quads and glutes, providing an intense leg workout. This variation takes advantage of the Smith Machine’s fixed range of motion, eliminating the need for balance and stability and allowing for greater muscle activation. Personal trainer and fitness model, John Prather, introduces this variation that promises to rock your quads and enhance your squat performance. Find out how to properly execute this exercise and enjoy its numerous benefits.”


The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a unique exercise that offers a range of benefits for lifters. While traditional barbell squats are often seen as the go-to exercise for building muscle and strength, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat provides an alternative option that can help balance out your overall workout routine.

Sideways Smith Machine Squat Form Tip

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat differs from the regular variation in that the load is outside your center of mass. This means that good hip and core strength are crucial for maintaining proper form and distributing the weight evenly between both legs. If you find that one side is significantly weaker than the other, it’s important to drop the weight and focus on maintaining proper form on each side.

To perform the Sideways Smith Machine Squat with proper form, start by positioning the barbell on your traps, close to where they meet your neck. This will help prevent injury and minimize unnecessary movement during the exercise. If necessary, adjust the position of the barbell to ensure comfort or consider using a squat pad for additional cushioning.

Next, find a foot position that allows your hips to drop below knee level at the bottom of the squat. This will help activate your glutes and allow you to generate power from your hips as you rise from the squatting position.

Throughout the exercise, focus on maintaining an upright torso with your shoulders back and chest up. This will help protect your lower back and keep your spine in a neutral position, allowing your lower body to bear the load and keep the weight moving vertically.

Sets and Reps

When incorporating the Sideways Smith Machine Squat into your workout routine, it’s recommended to perform three to five sets with six to eight repetitions on each side. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise, aim for little to no rest between sides.

If you’re new to this variation of the squat or are still working on perfecting your form, start with a manageable weight that allows you to maintain proper technique. As you become more comfortable and confident, gradually increase the weight to continue challenging your muscles and promoting growth.

When performing the Sideways Smith Machine Squat, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust the weight and intensity as needed. Pay attention to any discomfort or pain and make modifications accordingly to prevent injury.

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat takes advantage of the unique features of the Smith Machine to provide a highly effective exercise for targeting your quads and glutes. Unlike traditional barbell squats that require good balance and stability, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat allows you to focus on form and strength without worrying about those additional factors.

By turning sideways and adjusting your foot position, you can optimize the movement pattern and target your quads and glutes more intensely. The fixed range of motion also helps channel all your energy vertically, leading to increased muscle activation in these target areas.

While some lifters may find the fixed range of motion restrictive and not enjoyable for their joints, when programmed correctly as an accessory exercise, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat can be a valuable tool for improving regular squats and building muscle in your glutes and quads.

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a Move That will Totally Rock Your Quads

Improving quad strength

Building strong quad muscles is essential for leg drive, especially when performing squats. The Sideways Smith Machine Squat offers an opportunity to specifically target and improve quad strength.

By focusing on the upright torso and keeping your knees over your ankles, this variation of the squat emphasizes the use of your quads over your glutes. This can help activate and strengthen these muscles, leading to enhanced leg drive and improved overall squat performance.

Incorporating the Sideways Smith Machine Squat into your leg day routine can help you develop stronger and more muscular quads, ultimately contributing to greater strength and stability in your lower body.

Barbell squats vs Smith machine squats

Barbell squats and Smith machine squats are two popular exercises that target similar muscle groups but differ in their execution and benefits. While barbell squats are often seen as the gold standard for building muscle and strength, there are reasons to consider incorporating Smith machine squats into your routine as well.

Barbell squats require good balance, stability, and mobility in both the hips and shoulders. They engage various muscle groups, including the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core, and can be performed with free weights or a barbell.

On the other hand, Smith machine squats use a fixed range of motion, which eliminates the need for balancing the load and allows for a more controlled movement. This can be beneficial for those who struggle with balance or are new to squatting exercises.

The use of a Smith machine also provides added stability and support, making it an ideal option for beginners or individuals recovering from injuries. It allows you to focus on proper form and technique without the added pressure of balancing the weight.

Both exercises have their advantages and can be valuable additions to your workout routine. Depending on your goals, fitness level, and any specific limitations you may have, you can choose to incorporate one or both of these exercises to target your quads, glutes, and other muscle groups effectively.

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a Move That will Totally Rock Your Quads

The focus of barbell squat movement

In traditional barbell squats, the focus is on maintaining a balanced and upright position while performing the movement. This requires engaging the muscles of the lower body, core, and upper back to stay stable and properly execute the exercise.

Barbell squats primarily target the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, working them in a coordinated manner to generate force and drive the movement. The exercise also engages the core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back, to provide stability and prevent excessive forward or backward leaning.

When performing barbell squats, it’s important to maintain proper form. This includes keeping your chest up, shoulders back, and knees in line with your toes. Avoid leaning too far forward or allowing your knees to cave inward, as this can place excessive stress on the lower back and knees.

By focusing on maintaining a strong and stable position throughout the movement, you can effectively target the muscles of the lower body and core and promote overall strength and muscle development.

The fixed range of motion

One of the unique features of the Sideways Smith Machine Squat is the fixed range of motion it offers. Unlike traditional barbell squats that allow for a greater range of movement, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat restricts your motion to a vertical plane.

While some lifters may find this lack of variability in the range of motion to be limiting or uncomfortable for their joints, it can be advantageous for others. The fixed range of motion eliminates the need for extra energy spent balancing the load, allowing you to focus solely on the squatting movement.

The fixed range of motion also leads to increased muscle activation in the quads and glutes, as the balance and stability requirements are removed. This can help you target and develop these muscles more efficiently, leading to improved strength and muscle growth.

Despite the potential limitations of the fixed range of motion, when programmed correctly as an accessory exercise, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat can be a valuable tool for improving regular squats and building massive glutes and quads.

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a Move That will Totally Rock Your Quads

Muscle activation and quads

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat provides a unique opportunity to activate and target your quadriceps muscles effectively. By emphasizing an upright torso position and keeping your knees over your ankles, you engage your quads more intensively compared to other squat variations.

Quads, or the quadriceps muscles, are a group of four muscles located at the front of your thigh. They play a crucial role in extending your knees and assisting in hip flexion and stabilization during squatting movements.

When performing the Sideways Smith Machine Squat, the fixed range of motion allows for greater focus on the quads. As there is no need for balancing the load, more energy and effort are channeled vertically, leading to increased muscle activation in the quads.

This can be particularly beneficial for individuals looking to improve quad strength, leg drive, and overall squat performance. By incorporating the Sideways Smith Machine Squat into your workout routine, you can specifically target your quads and enhance their strength and development.


While barbell squats are often considered the gold standard for building muscle and strength, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat offers a unique variation that can complement your overall training routine. This exercise allows for increased quad and glute activation, thanks to the upright torso position and fixed range of motion.

When performed with proper form and technique, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat can help improve quad strength, leg drive, and overall squat performance. Incorporating this exercise into your leg day routine can contribute to greater muscle development and strength in your lower body.

However, it’s important to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. If you experience any discomfort or pain during the exercise, it’s crucial to modify your technique or seek guidance from a qualified trainer or healthcare professional.

In conclusion, the Sideways Smith Machine Squat is an effective exercise for targeting the quads and glutes. When used as part of a well-rounded workout routine, it can help you achieve your strength and muscle-building goals.

The Sideways Smith Machine Squat is a Move That will Totally Rock Your Quads

I am Alex Sterling, the author behind this empowering fitness blog. With a passion for fitness and a dedication to staying informed, I strive to provide expert reviews and insights on essential fitness routines, supplements, and diets. My goal is to guide fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals on their wellness journey, offering trusted advice and valuable resources. With Prime Fitness Blog, you can expect to find the most up-to-date and reliable information to help you achieve your fitness goals. Stay tuned for informative content that will keep you fit, informed, and empowered.