Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

In this article, Ryan Sheckler shares his journey and what it takes to become a lifelong skateboarder. With nearly 30 years of intense skateboarding experience, Sheckler has endured numerous injuries and setbacks, including ACL and MCL tears, broken bones, and concussions. Yet, at age 34, he continues to thrive in the skateboarding world. Sheckler attributes his longevity to his consistent workout program, which includes regular gym sessions and skateboarding-specific training. He emphasizes the importance of persistence and learning from failures, both in skateboarding and in life. Moreover, Sheckler shares how his family, faith, and gratitude have brought balance and fulfillment to his life. Through sharing his experiences, Sheckler inspires others to pursue their passions and embrace the challenges that come with them.

Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

Through nearly 30 years of awesomely gruesome crashes, flips, spills, and bruises, Ryan Sheckler has built an immortal skateboarding empire—one 30-second video clip at a time. It normally takes one step out of bed for the skateboarding icon to be reminded that for each successfully viral backside flip came dozens of fails that have led to his medical list that includes multiple ACL and MCL tears, broken bones, torn ligaments, concussions, and countless blood-dripping gashes. Fortunately, despite his lengthy injury history, the Red Bull athlete, now at age 34, is proving that he can still nail the landing. These days, however, skateboarding comes second to family life and fatherhood. Sheckler’s proud of what he’s overcome to get to this point—from his injuries to his documented bouts with alcoholism and drug use.

At the same time, Sheckler says he hasn’t fallen off too far from his days of teenage dominance, when he won X Games gold at age 13 and went on to star in his own MTV show, Life of Ryan, in 2007. Now it just takes a little more preparation. “I wake up sore every day,” Sheckler says. “I don’t feel like my 13-year-old self at all—my 100 percent right now is like, 90 percent of what it was then. There’s residual stress on my body from everything I’ve done. It may take me a second, maybe an ice bath to get my mind right, I go work out and just do the day. And then I’m fine. But I don’t think I’ll ever feel 100 percent again.”

Now sober for nearly four years, Sheckler still puts in the board work and is still in search of his next great video moment. His prolifically unparalleled skateboarding career was chronicled with a recently released pair of Red Bull produced films, Rolling Away and Lifer. The films highlighted some of Sheckler’s most memorable skateboard moments—both the highs and lows. “Skaters will continue to push the limits of what’s possible, and that’s why this was such a labor of love. This is my statement as a skateboarder,” he says.

Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

Background of Ryan Sheckler’s skateboarding career

Ryan Sheckler’s skateboarding career spans nearly 30 years. He started skateboarding at the age of 4 and quickly became a dominant force in the sport. He gained recognition at the young age of 13 when he won X Games gold and had his own MTV show, Life of Ryan, in 2007. Throughout his career, Sheckler has faced numerous injuries and setbacks, including multiple ACL and MCL tears, broken bones, torn ligaments, concussions, and gashes. However, he has persevered through these challenges and continues to succeed in the sport.

The physical risks associated with skateboarding

Skateboarding is a sport that comes with inherent risks. The aggressive nature of the sport and the tricks performed can lead to injuries and accidents. Skateboarders often experience injuries such as broken bones, sprains, strains, and concussions. These risks are especially prevalent in street skateboarding, where skaters perform tricks on stairs, handrails, and other obstacles. Despite these risks, skaters like Ryan Sheckler have found ways to mitigate injuries through consistent training and physical preparation.

Sheckler’s consistent workout program

To protect his body and enhance his performance, Sheckler follows a consistent workout program. He trains at the gym about four times a week with his trainer. Even when he’s on the road, he incorporates skateboarding into his workouts, performing exercises such as ab rollouts and glute bridges. Sheckler’s workouts focus on improving his lateral movement, which is crucial in skateboarding. He also incorporates weightlifting and directional training to enhance his skateboarding skills and physical abilities.

Skateboarding-specific training

Skateboarding-specific training is an essential part of Sheckler’s workout routine. The objective of this training is to improve his lateral movement and power when landing on the ground. Skateboarding requires quick and precise movements, so Sheckler engages in directional training exercises to enhance his abilities. Additionally, he incorporates weightlifting exercises that target the muscles used in skateboarding, such as the legs, core, and upper body. By incorporating skateboarding-specific training into his workouts, Sheckler is able to enhance his skills and protect his body from injuries.

Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

The balance of family, fitness, and faith

For Sheckler, achieving a balance between family, fitness, and faith is essential. He believes that this balance has been a winning strategy in his life. Sheckler is a proud father and values the importance of family in his life. He also prioritizes his physical fitness and follows a consistent workout program. Additionally, faith plays a significant role in Sheckler’s life. He attributes his sobriety and personal growth to his relationship with Jesus Christ. Sheckler’s balance of family, fitness, and faith has contributed to his overall well-being and success.

Sheckler’s personal journey and sobriety

One of the significant aspects of Sheckler’s life is his personal journey and sobriety. He has overcome alcoholism and drug use and has been sober for nearly four years. Sobriety has brought manageability and improvement to his life. Sheckler has worked on his personal growth and has found redemption in his story. He believes that sharing his experiences with others can inspire and motivate them to overcome their own struggles and pursue their passions.

Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

Using his story to inspire others

Sheckler believes in the power of storytelling and using his own experiences to inspire others. He shares his story to motivate others and provide them with the push and motivation they may need to pursue their dreams. Sheckler emphasizes the importance of expressing trials and tribulations without ego. By sharing his personal journey, he aims to influence and inspire others to pursue their passions and overcome challenges.

Reflecting on the hard times

Watching documentaries about his own life and career brings up various emotions for Sheckler. While it can be challenging to watch himself go through difficult moments and injuries, it serves as a reminder of his love for skateboarding and his ability to overcome setbacks. Sheckler acknowledges the growth he has achieved through failures and the importance of moving past injuries and setbacks. Reflecting on the hard times allows him to appreciate his progress and continue pushing forward.

Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

The importance of perseverance and failing

Failing is an integral part of Sheckler’s journey. He recognizes that success doesn’t come on the first try and that multiple attempts and failures are often necessary. Sheckler emphasizes the growth and motivation that come from failing and the importance of not being scared of failure. Failing fires him up and drives him to improve in various aspects of life, including business, skateboarding, and relationships. Sheckler encourages others to embrace failure and understand that it is a stepping stone to success.

Living in the present moment

Living in the present moment is a practice that Sheckler incorporates into his life. He starts his day with meditation and gratitude, which allows him to appreciate the present and be grateful for what he has. Sheckler’s routine helps him deal with life’s challenges and stresses, as he focuses on handling each day as it comes. He acknowledges that living in the present moment requires practice and effort but believes it is a simpler and more fulfilling way of life.

Ryan Sheckler Shares What it Takes to Becoming a Skateboarding ‘Lifer’

Sharing experiences instead of preaching

Sheckler believes in sharing his experiences rather than preaching or telling others what to do. He understands that people don’t respond well to being told what to do but can benefit from hearing about personal experiences. Sheckler shares his own experiences and explains how they have shaped his life, allowing others to take from it what they want. By sharing his journey, he hopes to encourage curiosity, self-discovery, and the pursuit of passions for others.

In conclusion, Ryan Sheckler’s skateboarding career is a testament to his dedication, perseverance, and ability to overcome challenges. Despite numerous injuries and setbacks, Sheckler continues to pursue his passion and inspire others with his story. Through consistent training, balance in life, personal growth, and a focus on living in the present moment, Sheckler has become a skateboarding ‘lifer’ and a beacon of inspiration for aspiring skateboarders and individuals alike.

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