C.T. Fletcher Approved Curl Tips for Stronger Biceps

Get ready to blast your biceps with these C.T. Fletcher approved curl tips! If you’re looking for ways to challenge yourself and improve your powerlifting skills, then the strict curl is the perfect exercise for you. Popularized by weightlifting legend C.T. Fletcher, the strict curl requires you to maintain contact with a wall throughout the lift. In this article, you’ll discover a training method that helped one athlete break through a plateau and increase his curl weight significantly. Plus, you’ll get expert advice from C.T. Fletcher himself on how to further enhance your bicep strength. So get ready to command more and better growth in your biceps with these curl tips!

Stick with Strict

If you’re looking to improve your strength and build bigger biceps, one exercise you should definitely incorporate into your routine is the strict curl. Made popular by weightlifting legend C.T. Fletcher, the strict curl is a challenging exercise that requires the lifter to maintain contact between their head, back, and butt against a wall throughout the entire movement. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of the strict curl and provide some tips to help you maximize your results.

The strict curl is a lift that requires strict adherence to form and technique. It not only targets the biceps but also engages the muscles in the back and core. To perform a successful strict curl, the lifter must curl the barbell or EZ-curl bar while keeping all three points of contact against the wall. Any deviation from this position will result in an unsuccessful lift.

C.T. Fletcher Approved Curl Tips for Stronger Biceps

The best way to train for the strict curl

To improve your performance in the strict curl, the key is to practice it regularly and consistently. One approach that has proven effective is to incorporate a variety of curl variations into your training. By doing so, you can target different muscle fibers and promote overall bicep growth.

One method that has yielded great results is a three-part set that includes strict curls, normal curls, and cheat curls. Begin with three strict curl reps, maintaining proper form and technique throughout. Follow this with three normal curl reps, allowing for a slightly looser form. Finish with three cheat curl reps, using momentum to lift the weight and focusing on controlled lowering. This combination challenges your muscles in different ways and can lead to significant strength gains.

C.T. Fletcher Approved Curl Tips for Stronger Biceps

Command More and Better Growth, Says C.T. Fletcher

If you’re seeking advice on improving your curling technique and maximizing bicep growth, who better to turn to than C.T. Fletcher himself? Known for his incredible strength and dedication to his craft, C.T. Fletcher has become a respected authority in the world of lifting. After sharing my own method of training with him, he offered valuable insights and additional tips.

According to C.T. Fletcher, incorporating preacher curls into your routine is an excellent way to enhance bicep strength. Preacher curls isolate the biceps and allow for focused training. Whether using a straight bar or dumbbells, performing preacher curls regularly can lead to significant gains in both size and strength.

But it’s not just about the physical aspect of training. C.T. Fletcher emphasizes the importance of mental fortitude as well. He advises eliminating any mental barriers or limitations by visualizing yourself performing the exercise without the support of the wall. By doing so, you condition your mind to maintain the required form automatically, leading to improved performance.

C.T. Fletcher Approved Curl Tips for Stronger Biceps

C.T. Fletcher Workout For Bigger Stronger Biceps

To put these tips into action, here’s a sample workout routine designed to help you achieve bigger and stronger biceps:

  1. Strict Curl – Start with three sets of five reps, gradually increasing the weight.

  2. Strict Curl/Normal Curl/Cheat Curls – Perform one set of nine total reps, combining strict curls, normal curls, and cheat curls.

  3. Straight Bar Preacher Curl – Complete three sets of eight reps, focusing on form and engaging the biceps.

  4. Dumbbell Preacher Curl – Finish with three sets of eight reps per arm, using dumbbells for added variation.

C.T. Fletcher also attributes part of his success to using old-school weights, also known as “pig iron,” which provide a solid foundation for building muscle. He is in the process of developing his own line of pig iron weights to help pass on this tradition to future generations.

Additionally, C.T. Fletcher is working on launching his own supplement line, which he hopes to share more about in the near future. For updates and more information, you can visit his website at www.ctfletcher.com.

By incorporating the strict curl into your training regimen, following C.T. Fletcher’s tips, and maintaining a consistent routine, you can command more growth and build bigger, stronger biceps. Stick with the strict curl and see the difference it can make in your strength and muscle development.

C.T. Fletcher Approved Curl Tips for Stronger Biceps

I am Alex Sterling, the author behind this empowering fitness blog. With a passion for fitness and a dedication to staying informed, I strive to provide expert reviews and insights on essential fitness routines, supplements, and diets. My goal is to guide fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals on their wellness journey, offering trusted advice and valuable resources. With Prime Fitness Blog, you can expect to find the most up-to-date and reliable information to help you achieve your fitness goals. Stay tuned for informative content that will keep you fit, informed, and empowered.